
今年徠卡奧斯卡·巴納克攝影獎 (LOBA) 最終入圍的十二位攝影師名單現已揭曉。



主獎項得主和新人獎得主將於10月10日最終揭曉。頒獎典禮與盛大的慶祝活動將照例在德國威茲勒舉辦。在此之前,今年所有入圍作品集將在LOBA官方網站www.leica-oskar-barnack-award.com/en/ 上展示。








迪米特裡·貝克 (Dimitri Beck),法國Polka (雜誌、畫廊、工廠) 攝影總監

佩爾·吉爾弗 (Per Gylfe),美國紐約國際攝影中心 (ICP) 教育總監

西瑞爾·雅斯貝克 (Ciril Jazbek),斯洛維尼亞攝影師、2013年奧斯卡·巴納克攝影獎新人獎得主

阿梅莉·施耐德 (Amélie Schneider),德國《時代週刊》(Die Zeit) 圖片編輯部主任

卡琳·雷恩-考夫曼 (Karin Rehn-Kaufmann),徠卡畫廊藝術總監兼首席代表(奧地利)







福魯格·阿雷伊 (Forough Alaei)

《伊朗靜謐街頭下》(The Underneath of the Calm Streets of Iran)

Portrait of Forough Alaei © Tina Nekoofar

自2022年9月伊朗女孩瑪莎·阿米尼(Mahsa Amini)之死以來,許多伊朗女性開始勇敢挑戰由政府制定的行為規範。 這位生於1989年的伊朗攝影師將鏡頭對準這些年輕的伊朗女性,她們正在滿懷信心地踐行“女性、生命、自由”原則。



  1. Hasti Rezaei (15), the youngest female motocross champion of Iran and UAE, Iran 2023

from the series The Underneath of the Calm Streets of Iran

© Forough Alaei/LOBA 2024

  1. Elahe in front of the portrait of her sister Elmira. Both are artists. Elmira is studying in Canada while Elahe is still trying to find a way to emigrate. Iran 2020

from the series The Underneath of the Calm Streets of Iran

© Forough Alaei/LOBA 2024

  1. Women pose for a selfie before they get ready to go to work, Iran 2019

from the series The Underneath of the Calm Streets of Iran

© Forough Alaei/LOBA 2024


安努什·巴巴賈尼揚 (Anush Babajanyan)

《納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫戰爭與人民的流離》(Nagorno-Karabakh War and Exodus)

Portrait of Anush Babajanyan © John Stanmeyer


這攝影師用鏡頭記錄了亞美尼亞家庭面臨的威脅、流離失所的現狀以及變幻莫測的未來。巴巴賈尼揚於1983年出生於亞美尼亞,現居德國。她的作品曾多次獲獎,她也是Agency VII攝影通訊社成員。


  1. Araksya Grigoryan, a single mother, poses with her seven children, Nagorno-Karabakh 2017

from the series Nagorno-Karabakh War and Exodus

© Anush Babajanyan/LOBA 2024

  1. Anahit Stepanyan (right) at the humanitarian station and registration point, Kornidzor village, Armenia 2023

from the series Nagorno-Karabakh War and Exodus

© Anush Babajanyan/LOBA 2024

  1. Children play and run around a World War II airplane at Mets Tagher village, Nagorno-Karabakh 2020

from the series Nagorno-Karabakh War and Exodus

© Anush Babajanyan/LOBA 2024


艾蜜莉·加斯維特 (Emily Garthwaite)

《底格裡斯河之淚》(Tears of the Tigris)

Portrait of Emily Garthwaite © Leon McCarron




  1. Four sisters plait each other’s hair, Kut, Iraq 2021

from the series Tears of the Tigris

© Emily Garthwaite/LOBA 2024

  1. A farmer walks on the cracked, dry earth beside

the Diyala river, Iraq 2021

from the series Tears of the Tigris

© Emily Garthwaite/LOBA 2024

  1. Bassam al-Sheikh, environmental activist, Iraq 2023

from the series Tears of the Tigris

© Emily Garthwaite/LOBA 2024


克休莎·伊萬諾娃 (Ksenia Ivanova)

《南高加索樹影間》(Between the Trees of the South Caucasus)

Portrait of Ksenia Ivanova © Maria Pavlovskaya




  1. Shamil Kurt-Ogly (16), poses for a portrait with rabbits, Abkhazia, Georgia 2020

from the series Between The Trees of The South Caucasus

© Ksenia Ivanova/LOBA 2024

  1. Neighbours gathered for the funeral of one of the displaced Georgian women from Abkhazia, Tbilisi, Georgia 2022

from the series Between The Trees of The South Caucasus

© Ksenia Ivanova/LOBA 2024

  1. Children during a drill competition between schools in Sukhumi, Abkhazia, Georgia 2023

from the series Between The Trees of The South Caucasus

© Ksenia Ivanova/LOBA 2024


瑪麗亞·古圖 (Maria Gutu)

《家園》 (Homeland)

Portrait of Maria Gutu © Maria Gutu





  1. Moldova 2022

from the series Homeland

© Maria Gutu/LOBA 2024

  1. Moldova 2022

from the series Homeland

© Maria Gutu/LOBA 2024

  1. Moldova 2023

from the series Homeland

© Maria Gutu/LOBA 2024


盧卡斯·倫奇 (Lucas Lenci)

《無法專注的時代》(Inattention Era)

Portrait of Lucas Lenci © Lucas Lenci



  1. The largest LED panel tunnel in the world connects office spaces, São Paulo, Brazil 2023

from the series Inattention Era

© Lucas Lenci/LOBA 2024

  1. Shopping mall, São Paulo, Brazil 2023

from the series Inattention Era

© Lucas Lenci/LOBA 2024

  1. LED display at L’Opéra National de Paris, Paris, France 2024

from the series Inattention Era

© Lucas Lenci/LOBA 2024


亞德蓮娜·盧雷羅·斐迪南 (Adriana Loureiro Fernández)

《失樂園》 (Paradise Lost)

Portrait of Adriana Loureiro Fernández © Carolina Cabral, Carlos Becerra




  1. Grillis Febres (19, middle) and her friends play and cuddle with their children, Caracas, Venezuela 2018

from the series Paradise Lost

© Adriana Loureiro Fernández/LOBA 2024

  1. A busy street market, Caracas, Venezuela 2023

from the series Paradise Lost

© Adriana Loureiro Fernández/LOBA 2024

  1. Yon Medina dives from an abandoned oil structure in Lake Maracaibo, Cabimas, Venezuela 2022

from the series Paradise Lost

© Adriana Loureiro Fernández/LOBA 2024


薩拉·梅內塞斯·誇皮奧 (Sara Meneses Cuapio)

《尋根》(Root Hunger)

Portrait of Sara Meneses Cuapio © Sara Meneses Cuapio




  1. Us, Matlalcuéyetl, Tlaxcala, Mexico 2023

from the series Raízhambre

© Sara Meneses Cuapio/LOBA 2024

  1. Drowned, Matlalcuéyetl, Tlaxcala, Mexico 2022

from the series Raízhambre

© Sara Meneses Cuapio/LOBA 2024

  1. Botton. You. Matlalcuéyetl, Tlaxcala, Mexico 2022

from the series Raízhambre

© Sara Meneses Cuapio/LOBA 2024


達維德·蒙泰利奧尼 (Davide Monteleone)

《關鍵礦產——能源地貌》(Critical Minerals – Geography of Energy)

Portrait of Davide Monteleone © Lorenzo Poli


蒙泰利奧尼 (生於1974年) 居住在義大利,他揭示了智利、剛果民主共和國和印尼的銅、鋰和鈷開採對地緣政治、社會和生態造成的複雜影響。


  1. Aerial view of lithium evaporation ponds, Albemarle Facility, Chile 2023

from the series Critical Minerals – Geography of Energy

© Davide Monteleone/LOBA 2024

  1. Portrait of a miner, Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) 2023

from the series Critical Minerals – Geography of Energy

© Davide Monteleone/LOBA 2024

  1. Worker collecting samples from a lithium pond, Albemarle Facility, Chile 2023

from the series Critical Minerals – Geography of Energy

© Davide Monteleone/LOBA 2024


英格瑪·比約恩·諾廷 (Ingmar Björn Nolting)

《氣候變化選集》(An Anthology of Changing Climate)




  1. A steel plant in Duisburg, Germany 2023

from the series An Anthology of a Changing Climate

© Ingmar Björn Nolting/LOBA 2024

  1. A scene at the Wunderland Kalkar amusement park, Germany 2023

from the series An Anthology of a Changing Climate

© Ingmar Björn Nolting/LOBA 2024

  1. Two men in front of a forest fire in Jüterbog, Germany 2023

from the series An Anthology of a Changing Climate

© Ingmar Björn Nolting/LOBA 2024


牛童 (Tong Niu)

《快遞》(Express Delivery)

Portrait of Tong Niu © Tong Niu




  1. After the rain, the courier cycles home from work, China 2022

from the series Express Delivery

© Tong Niu/LOBA 2024

  1. A portion of a shipment that a courier employee needs

to process in a morning before the Chinese New Year, China 2021

from the series Express Delivery

© Tong Niu/LOBA 2024

  1. Young father, young courier, China 2022

from the series Express Delivery

© Tong Niu/LOBA 2024


伊蒂諾莎·伊馮娜 (Etinosa Yvonne)

《揮之不去》(It’s All in My Head)

Portrait of Etinosa Yvonne © Steven Lee




  1. Hajara Abubakar, Nigeria 2018

from the series It’s All in My Head

© Etinosa Yvonne/LOBA 2024

  1. Jimoh Boton, Nigeria 2018

from the series It’s All in My Head

© Etinosa Yvonne/LOBA 2024

  1. Jamila, Nigeria 2019

from the series It’s All in My Head

© Etinosa Yvonne/LOBA 2024
